Antah Journeys Glastonbury

Antah Journeys Glastonbury


24 – 28 July 2018


Join us this year on our annual journey to Glastonbury – where the energy flow has never stopped and the boundaries between the worlds are thin and penetrable. A home for garden fairies and witches, talking trees and whispering winds. A crossroads for many paths, beliefs and traditions.

We live in a magical time. A time of awakening and transformation, a time of healing and spiritual growth. When we visit places where the wisdom of the past meets the potential of the future and the power of the present – anything is possible.

Our goal on this journey is to unlock your inner joy, so that you can learn how to celebrate life and be grateful for everything you have! We will assist you in letting go of your pursuit of perfection and to invite joy and happiness into your everyday life, even in its smallest and simplest forms! You will make gratitude an integral part of your life and start to be thankful for everything you have, everything you have experienced, learnt, the people you have in your life and the places you have seen. You will be amazed by the results this will bring!

We will also visit the places where the old magic is still alive and follow the trail of the legend of King Arthur and Merlin. We will set off on a quest to find our own holy grail, be it a forgotten talent, ability, a new level of consciousness or inner beauty. Just set your intention and throw yourself into the vortex of this adventure! Glastonbury will work its magic to help you find it within yourself!


As Glastonbury is reognised as a spiritual centre since the megalithic era, it is an obvious choice for this Antah Journey. It is a spellbinding, powerful place which provides the perfect setting for our special transformation process and accelerated healing. According to legend, Glastonbury would often disappear in mist only to reappear to those who are ready to see it.

Every time you visit this small, vibrating, magical town, it shows you a new face. For those whom have been here before it’s like going to the known to discover the unknown. And, strange as it may sound, it is Glastonbury that decides what you will see. During our Journey we will surrender to the transformative energies of this magical town and allow it to guide us to its treasures and to those aspects within us that need healing and letting go of.

Antah Journeys Glastonbury


24 – 28 July 2018

Join us on this 5 day journey of deep healing to learn how to live a life filled with joy and happiness.

Each day will be shared between healing sessions with Agnieszka, powerful rituals, shamanic journeys and our magical excursions.

The places we will visit include:

  • the Tor with the monolithic remains of a church tower on top, dedicated to the Archangel Michael
  • the magical Chalice Well
  • the ruins of the great Glastonbury Abbey – site of Joseph of Arimathea’s church and, according to legend, the gravesite of King Arthur
  • the legendary and energetic Wearyall Hill.
  • As always, there will also be some new and surprising destinations too!

The Early Bird price for the Journey is £1690 and can be reserved by paying the deposit of £500 by 30 March. The outstanding balance will have to be paid by 30 May.

Full price after the 30th of March is £1990.

The prices are subject to Paypal/transfer fees.

The price includes:

  • healing sessions with Agnieszka
  • accommodation
  • all meals
  • excursions
  • Entrance to all attractions

The price does not include flight tickets and transfer to and from London.

Please contact us at to register your interest as our Glastonbury Journeys always fill up quickly!








The workshop is run by Agnieszka Major, a certified coach and therapist recognised by a number of international organisations, an interpersonal skills trainer and a supervisor for new psychology practitioners.

She has a Masters degree in Psychology and Law. Agnieszka lives and works in London but also runs workshops, training sessions and group therapies all over the world. She also trains specialists in the fields of LFT, NLP, individual and corporate coaching and a number of other areas. Agnieszka is highly experienced in business consultation and specialises in mentoring, change management, professional burnout, executive and management coaching as well as the implementation of solutions for improving efficiency amongst employees.



When confronting specific problem areas in your life, it is easier to make changes when you are away from your usual surroundings, everyday chores or family obligations. Antah Journeys are powerful retreats that take participants on a journey of healing and discovery and are geared towards giving them a unique opportunity to grow and experience deep and profound transformation. The locations are always chosen specifically for the purpose of the journey and the local places of power enhance and accelerate the healing process. So far we have held Antah Journeys in Dubai, Hong Kong, Bali (Indonesia), three times in Glastonbury (UK) and are just about to set off on our Journey to Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia.

It’s my third time. I see my changes, other people
from training see it too. Fabulous feeling, feeling of
renovation, feeling of peace and freedom.
Thank you! 🙂

Assem Nissambaeva, Dubai

I came to Aga’s course for company and I didn’t have any
expectations. I enjoyed Aga’s one-to-one work with each participant.
I had new feelings in my body after my session with her. I have new
sense of myself! Thank you to this practice!

Anastasia Dokukina, St.Petersburg

It’s very interesting journey to myself. Examination,
observation and learning of myself. It’s for brave and
courageous people who are ready to change their life,
its quality and become more interesting for themselves.
It’s fascinating way and be ready for adrenaline 🙂

Ilona Starchenkova , Моscow

I’m so grateful I’ve been given an opportunity to be
a part of this beautiful circle of women. It’s a pleasure
and an honour to watch us all grow and evolve. Simply
because WE CAN. Every month I’m looking forward to
our meeting and celebration of womanity.

Beata Rzeznikiewicz, London

The course is filled by warm, effuse, supporting energy
of women circle. It’s a possibility to meet myself in each
person. Feel my value. Accept our importance in each
other processes. And every open soul is a possibility to
make a gift for myself choosing sensibleness.
Thank you.

Alexandra Tretyakova, Moscow

This training for me is like an absent puzzle which I
was searching so long outside… Thank you my dear Agnes,
you gave me what I need. I am happy that I came
to this incredible training!

Tomiris Muslim, Almaty

Any Questions? Please get in Touch.

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